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Questions tagged [compass]

An iPhone app made by Apple using a magnetometer chip to display a compass

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1 vote
1 answer

How do I send compass app data to apple watch?

Ok, I was very disappointed to know iWatch doesn't come with a most basic wrist watch feature: a compass. It's reasonable that due to magnets used in coils and straps, it's not possible to include a ...
innocent rock's user avatar
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Is the iPhone magnetometer sensitive enough to detect solar storms?

Discovered this neat project to pull detailed magnetometer data from iOS: I've been looking at different approaches to setting up a 24/7 magnetometer to ...
crockpotveggies's user avatar
8 votes
7 answers

How to see compass accuracy and recalibrate the compass in iOS 10?

My compass is often wrong, which leads to all directional modes of maps being wrong (very annoying for back country trail following). In old versions of iOS I remember the 'figure 8' popping up ...
Peter's user avatar
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2 answers

How does my phone tell me my elevation even though I'm nowhere near a cell tower?

I have the compass app (Comes with the phone) on my iPhone 6 and it can still tell me my elevation even though I have no service, why is this? Is there a magnet or something similar in the phone? It ...
TwentyCharMax's user avatar
6 votes
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Can iPhone 6 tell if a surface is horizontal?

I can launch the Compass app on my iPhone 4 and it can tell if the surface I'm placing it on is perfectly horizontal, or it's bending to any direction. Given iPhone 6's sticking-out camera, can it ...
Adam Horvath's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Compass in maps and app always wrong

When I use the direction in maps the direction is almost always ~90° off, occasionally it will be 135-180° wrong but mostly it looks like I'm travelling sideways. The phone is flat. Is there ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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How does the digital compass "figure of eight" waving for calibration work?

What is the logic behind the "wave your device in a figure of eight to calibrate the compass"? How does this work?
Nippysaurus's user avatar
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My iPhone says I'm on the wrong side of the world

My compass app is reporting that I am X degrees north, X degrees E, however I am most certainly west of greenwich (Basically I am closer to USA than greenwich). Is this a known bug, I assume that the ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

iPhone app to point me back to a waypoint (like a computer game)

I'm looking for an app which I can use to find my camper in the desert after going for a walk, or find the b&b i left my bags in after exploring a new city. I'm hoping for something really simple ...
user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

iPhone 4 requires recalibrating the compass almost every time I use it

My iPhone 4 asks me to recalibrate the compass by using a figure 8 motion almost every time I use it. I'm wondering if this happens because my phone is defective, or if other people are having the ...
Senseful's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Can I manually re-calibrate the iPhone 4 compass?

My iPhone 4's compass is off to a significant enough degree that it's annoying... is there any way to manually re-calibrate the compass? I have, of course, done the "figure 8" (whatever action that ...
jasonmklug's user avatar