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73 votes
1 answer

Where are books stored after iBooks migration on Mavericks?

After upgrading to Mavericks all of my books from iTunes have been migrated to iBooks. They are no longer in my media library and I haven't been able to locate them as of yet. So where does iBooks ...
Josh's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Where are the sample books stored in the iBooks for Mac OS X?

I'm doing an accessibility stuff and I need to access the source file (.epub file) of the sample books in iBooks for Mac OS X. I did look for one at ~/Library/Containers/
Tetsudou's user avatar
4 votes
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How do I find out what my iBooks "authorized computers" are?

I saw a "Free" book on iBooks today and decided to download it. I've never used iBooks before. After it downloaded (and I entered my password), I clicked "Read", and iBooks said: Computer ...
Ken's user avatar
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How to reset iBooks app in OS X 10.10

How can I reset the iBooks app, I mean completely reset it to the version that was installed and when first opened, where the app would show "Welcome to iBooks" and "Get Started"? I think I must ...
YJB's user avatar
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Finder is not finding my books on the mac

I am trying to sync my books from my mac to my iPAD but the finder is not showing my books so nothing is synced. Even PDF files are not showing in the finder. I am using MacOS 10.15.3
Ali123's user avatar
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Download a purchased audiobook in Books as a local audio file?

I've purchased an audiobook in Apple's Books app on MacOS. I noticed it says "download" but apparently that just means downloading within the Books app, so I can listen there. However I'd ...
RocketNuts's user avatar
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mac copy text from a epub book, the content is truncated as ellipsis

when I copy text from books, seems there is size limitation, the copy is truncated, please see an example: “on this earth I’m going to live. Why be only half alive? Every minute a person spends ...
Robert Chen's user avatar
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How to Sync Books from Mac on Catalina

I upgraded to macOS 10.15.3 and am having trouble syncing books from my Mac to iPad. In the documentation I only see reference to iCloud. This would not be satisfactory to me. Is there a way to ...
ABC123's user avatar
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