I use Orion mainly since it adds a bit more screen area without going into fullscreen using their compact bar. Irrespective, a repetitive task I need during making notes is right clicking images and pasting them into another App (ex. Notion, Goodnotes) to make a note I can review later.

Having to right click + move cursor to find the option of 'Copy Image' takes times and is frustrating (especially with the small options on Mac [but I do not want to make that larger]).

If not that, is there a way the Right Click menu options can be reordered. Currently "Search with Google", "Look up [word]" are the top options. This would surely be the second preferred option.

Is there a quicker way to automate Right Click + Copy image when I'm hovering over an image?

  • The universal way to accelerate context menu navigation is to do a incremental search: just type the title of the menu item (quickly) until it has it focused, then hit return or sometimes space. It works the same as in Finder and Windows Explorer.exe
    – hym3242
    Commented Jun 18 at 19:07

1 Answer 1


Drag and drop is the quickest. You can drop to the end of any existing line, or in an empty line…

enter image description here
The circle indicates click or hold.

You either need the screen space to be able to see both at once, or you can Cmd ⌘ Tab ⇥ to bring the text app to the front without letting go of the dragged image.

  • 1
    I suppose so this is the best way, thanks for the help king stranger! The Cmd + Tab was something that I did not think of. Appreciate the help!
    – Neil
    Commented Dec 20, 2023 at 11:44

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