I'm on Ventura. I'm trying to log in to a remote Linux machine with X11 forwarding enabled. I followed these steps:

  1. Install XQuartz (from the downloadable package on their website, not from brew).
  2. Reboot my Mac
  3. Enable "allow connections from network clients" in XQuartz
  4. Ensure X11 forwarding is enabled in the remote's sshd_config and restart remote sshd
  5. Disable the firewall on my Mac
  6. ssh -X user@remote from the terminal within XQuartz
  7. Confirm that the DISPLAY env var is set on the remote
  8. xterm on the remote

And nothing happens; xterm just freezes. There are no error messages, but also no windows appear.

I've also tried:

  • Enabling/disabling "authenticate connections" in XQuartz
  • ssh -Y instead of ssh -X
  • Manually setting the remote DISPLAY variable to my_ip_address:0
  • Waiting for a few minutes after running xterm just in case I was being impatient

But all have the same effect: running xterm just hangs with no errors.

What else can I try?

  • What is the value of $DISPLAY
    – mmmmmm
    Commented Dec 31, 2023 at 10:22


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