I need help with changing Safari's user agent permanently by editing the plist file.
Usually one would go to Preferences > Advanced > Show Developer mode in menu bar. Then Develop > User Agent > Chrome - Windows for example. However, when you open a new tab or window, this goes back to Default (Safari). This is expected behaviour.
In the past, it was possible to edit a line that determined the user agent in /Users/(user)/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Safari.plist
There was a line called: CustomUserAgent
. It's not there anymore. How can I create it (with defaults probably) with the user agent of Chrome (Mac)? Alternatively, is there another way to change it, or has the procedure changed? I called Apple Support to no avail.
This is an old trick as the CustomUserAgent string is not there anymore. Forum article for reference: "Permanently change Safari's User Agent string"
I tried also this, but when I use the default write command it seems not to have any effect.