I'd like to set up screen time limits without allowing myself to infinitely ignore the limits (because my spine is a stack of cotton candies and I can't trust myself to not just click ignore). Unfortunately I think because I am the iCloud family administrator account I always get to ignore limits, and I don't think there's a way to get away from that.
Can someone confirm that if I create a new iCloud account and set my age to be that of a minor, and add that account to my family, and then switch my computer and phone to that account, then I will have no way out of the screen time limits? Are there any unforeseen consequences you'd highlight for such a switch? Might certain apps or songs be age-limited so I won't be able to access them on that account? Can I still add my credit-card to the phone's wallet, when my phone uses a minor's account? I'm hoping to find a downside-free way of truly locking myself out of e.g. YouTube in the evening.
I'm also up for hearing other ways of imposing hard limits on myself, if there are other apps or systems you think I should consider (but please don't say "grow a spine" unless there's an app for that :)