On my Mac I use Safari for private purposes and Edge for work purposes.

When I'm working, it's convenient to have Edge as the default browser. Now I have to set it each day manually (after the working day I set it back to Safari, which asks for that).

What I want is that Edge does ask for being the default browser. Is this possible?

NB: Using a different account is not convenient for the way I work.

3 Answers 3


If you have brew installed, you can use the defbro (default browser) utility.


Launch a terminal (e.g. Terminal.app) and run the following command:

brew install jwbargsten/misc/defbro
Set Safari as the default browser
defbro com.apple.Safari
Set Edge as the default browser
defbro com.microsoft.edgemac
Keyboard shortcuts

If you want to do the above actions faster, you can use the free iCanHazShortcut app to assign keyboard shortcuts to the commands.

Install the app using brew install icanhazshortcut, launch it, click on the ⊕(plus) button in the bottom right of the window and configure it as in the following screenshots:

screenshot showing how to configure a keyboard shortcut for setting default browser to Edge screenshot with all keyboard shortcuts configured

  • I'm trying to execute the command via Automater but getting the error "zsh:1: command not found: defbro". Do you know how to fix that?
    – Marc
    Commented Jan 10, 2022 at 11:06
  • Automator might not inherit the shell path. You could use the full path for defbro: /usr/local/bin/defbro Commented Jan 11, 2022 at 12:09

I would have two accounts; one for work with Edge set as default and one for private.

I also have an Admin account to make sure I don't change important things by accident, as well as accounts for each kid...

And I make accounts for family visiting as well. No interfering with my data etc.


Opening via Terminal might help.

open -a "Microsoft Edge" --args --make-default-browser

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