Been having a fun day. I upgraded both my mac mini (intel, 2018) and my macbook (intel, 2018) to Monterey and also upgraded openssl and whatever else brew was willing to upgrade. I used to be able to ssh from my macbook to the mac mini with an ssh key I had copied over. Now the spooky stuff:
- my password to authenticate to the mac mini is different from my user's password on the mac mini
- this error message, when I try
ssh -Tv [email protected]
Authenticated to ([ipaddress]:22) using "password".
debug1: channel 0: new [client-session]
debug1: Entering interactive session.
debug1: pledge: filesystem full
shell request failed on channel 0
- I also get
exec failed on channel 0
when I try to copy over an ssh key.
I don't know if I should nuke the whole setup (I need the ssh keys I have to log into other stuff though - I can ssh into other machines without any trouble) - tutorials on safely nuking my ssh setup are welcome if y'all think that is the case. Any advice on what's going on / what to try next would be very helpful.