thanks in advance for the help.
Main issue: by using an internet data traffic monitoring app (TripMode), I finally found out what was using up my home internet data allowance (1TB/month).... Time Machine backups to Time Capsule! I don't understand why, as TM backups should only be local traffic.
I use the modem from my ISP, and connect that to my TC so it can act as a router that my laptop connects to for internet usage (and TM backups). I also have an Airport Express connected wirelessly to the TC that I use for sending audio out to my speaker system.
Is there some way to change settings on my TC and/or modem to restrict the TC's access to the internet and then just use the modem as my apartment router, while still enabling TM backups and the Airport Express (airplay) audio functionality?
OR, the holy grail here, just stop TM backups from using my internet data. I have definitely verified that the backups are using internet data: I have done isolated sessions with backups going and TripMode on that show the same data usage as TM backup data amount. TripMode shows this usage as being from "Disk Images" (as opposed to "Mail" or "Chrome", etc).
Any help would be sooo appreciated.