I have written a shell script to remove all services excluding ethernet. The aim is to remove these services and PPPoE entries so the end user only sees ethernet under Preferences > Networking.

However, after a restart the services return. This also happens with just running the terminal command networksetup deletepppoeservice [servicename]

I presume there is a plist somewhere that repopulates these entries, however I have deleted networkInterfaces.plist to no effect.

Here is the code snippet in question:

for NETSERV in ${networkService[@]}; do
    if [[ "$NETSERV" != "$SERVICE" ]]; then
        networksetup deletepppoeservice "$NETSERV";
for NETSERV in ${networkService[@]}; do
    if [[ "$NETSERV" != "$SERVICE" ]]; then
        networksetup deletepppoeservice "$NETSERV";

The goal: enter image description here


  • Update. When changing the services through the GUI the plist files changes as expected, however when modifying via terminal a preferences.plist.old file is created in /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ .However, deleting this file or using it to replace the preferences.plist file still doesn't give the intended result.
    – Auspexis
    Commented Feb 24, 2021 at 11:14
  • Tried to chown the preferences.plist and added an exit statement to the script to avoid any loose ends and still no change. Maybe I need to lock the plist with a lockfile?
    – Auspexis
    Commented Feb 24, 2021 at 12:22

1 Answer 1


So the solution that I stumbled on was to lock the file using chflags uchg /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist so whatever was modifying it back was denied. Oddly, it was a root owned file so whatever was modding it was root.

I ran sudo fs_usage | grep /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist and saw no write or modify commands so it had to happen on boot or login.

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