I am trying hard to wrap my head around zsh "upgrade" from bash in macOS Catalina. Most of the things are great, actually. However, I cannot figure out why I am experiencing difficulties, like accessing Anaconda rather than built in Python despite the fact that I put the path to it:
# Anaconda3 2019.10
export PATH="/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"
But if I have this too, under Anaconda's path, then the system does not "see" Anaconda anymore (I've commented it out, for now):
# Local path:
# export PATH="/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
Also, I have some odd line added to gcc (again, I commented out the odd line):
# Setting gcc compiler
export PATH="/usr/local/gcc-9.2/bin:$PATH"
# export CC="/usr/local/gcc-9.2/bin"
With lines commented out things are working now. But can anyone explain what is wrong in them and what, specifically, export CC
should to on top of the export PATH
from your question since this is a more general question aboutzsh