The trackpad in relation to the keyboard on all recent MacBook Pros (at least 2019 on) is either misplaced or too large (or both), creating a lot of palm-rejection problems.
Background: When placing your hands over the keyboard in the standard finger position (fingers on the "a","s","d" and "f" keys on the left hand and "j", "k", "l", ";" on the right hand) the palm covers the right 1/3 of the trackpad. For those who rest their palms of their hands on the laptop while they type, palm-rejection on the trackpad is necessary because the pad below the right thumb will hit the trackpad. palm-rejection will necessarily mis-identify some touches as finger strokes, creating a lot of trackpad noise while typing. (yes, the palm rejection is very good, but there are always going to be plenty of touches that misidentify because everyone is a little different). The trackpad looks nice, but its placement is impractical (see Seagram Building)
What options are available in software or hardware for altering the palm rejection or blocking the right 1/3 of the trackpad other than a piece of tape?