In Snow Leopard there was a way to select which address to use for each contact in a group, for sending group emails or printing address lists. This was done by selecting the group in the groups column and choosing EditEdit Distribution List…

In the (horrible) Lion Address Book, the feature is still in the Edit menu, but I can't figure out why it's always dimmed. What are the circumstances when this menu item should become available, or how can I choose the addresses for my contact groups in Lion?

1 Answer 1


Only local groups (appearing in On My Mac) support distribution lists. This feature won't work if you're only using Exchange, a CardDAV server, or iCloud.

Here's a cnet article about this, with regard to iCloud: http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-13727_7-20126108-263/address-book-distribution-list-editor-disabled-by-icloud/

  • That is a serious drag. Address Book is getting worse and worse. Commented Dec 21, 2012 at 2:09

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