On my MacOS 10.13.2 machine I am being inundated with network share login prompts literally every minute and they will not relent. If I ignore them and push them aside, they jump right back in my face. Pop-up ads aren't this insidious. Aside from the requirement to click "OK" to authenticate things already on your keyring, this is one my my least favorite changes in Sierra. I am not sure how I told AutoMounter that I want this network share that is on a NAS that no longer exists, but now I cannot find how to un-tell it because AutoMounter is attacking every 60 seconds. Console shows the proof:
Share 'homes' started to mount with URL: afp://mlitwin@diaspora(AFP)._afpovertcp._tcp.local/homes
This is quite possibly the worst implementation of auto_mount that I have ever seen, but that doesn't really surprise me anymore. So I think, fine... just remove it from fstab right? Wrong. It's been deprecated. I did a little reading and apparently we're supposed to use vifs now? Ok, fine. Problem is I tried that and just got an "editing error". I don't see anything explicit in /etc/auto_master either. Sigh.
Can someone please tell me what the heck is telling AutoMounter to torture me?