On Macbook's with retina display you are able to select between 4 different scale modes as showed in the picture below

The different display scale modes

It takes some clicks to get into the Display settings and choosing a new scale. I guess I am not the only one changing the scale frequently so I am confident that an easier solution to this exists.

Question: Are there any keyboard shortcuts that toggles the different scale modes without the need of third party software?

2 Answers 2


You can use Automator to script things like that since OS X does't include a built in command key for that option. Once it's scripted, you can then assign a key shortcut to that script/action.

Open automator and search for the "watch me do" action for scripting of the UI.

Relevant tutorials are at https://macosxautomation.com/automator/foo.html

  • So no :( I was hoping to avoid any other software. Instead it should be as if you were changing the volume on the function buttons.
    – chrs
    Commented Feb 23, 2016 at 1:44

I highly recommend using SwitchResX. You can easily switch resolutions from the menu bar instead of going through the Settings.app and you can set hotkeys for predefined resolutions/configurations as shown in the screenshot below:

enter image description here

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