I'd like to transfer selected photos from my PC to an iPad Air 2 running iOS 9.2. This thread shows how to transfer from iPad to PC (Use Windows Explorer and treat iPad as a camera), and this thread suggests using Dropbox.

Can I use Windows Explorer and have the photos show up in the camera roll on my iPad? If not, what's the easiest way of doing so without syncing?

Note: I can see and copy JPGs from the iPad to my PC with Windows Explorer. I am not able to copy from my PC to the iPad.

3 Answers 3


The easiest way to get photos from a PC to an iOS device would be backing up certain photos to a cloud service like Google Photos or Dropbox. There is no way to get photos from PC into the iOS Camera Roll that I am aware of. Check out Google Photos. It would be the most seamless solution.


I haven't used it in a while, but iExplorer should do what you what.


If I remember well you can use iCloud for Windows to transter photos from and to your iPad within the PC File Explorer.

Once installed there is a new iCloud Photos folder in your explorer that contains 3 sub-folders:

  • one for upload
  • one for download
  • last one for your shared photos (this is an iCloud feature)

Hope it still exists and that it will work.

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