Clean installation
You can:
- erase the volume where Yosemite was installed
- install Mavericks to that volume.
No downgrade; no migration from a newer release of OS X
Migration Assistant 5 (610) in OS X Mavericks 10.9.4 (13E28) explicitly prevents migration from a Yosemite system. Apple's alert states:
This source contains a newer release of OS X. Your Mac requires an upgrade before you can migrate from this source.
If command line developer tools are installed, you can run a command to see that statement:
strings /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SystemMigration.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/English.lproj/Localizable.strings | grep "newer release"
… if I could re-download Mavericks and run the installer - would that effectively downgrade me back to Mavericks?
No; simply using Install OS X Mavericks – without first erasing the volume where Yosemite was installed – can not effectively downgrade the system.
In commentary, from the opening poster:
I like to live dangerously.
I also live dangerously, sometimes, but casual readers of Q&A such as these should – please – not underestimate the significance of there being no downgrade path.
Not an ideal word – too easily misinterpreted – but it's used by Apple:
In the context of this question, you can:
- erase the volume where Yosemite was installed
- restore from a Time Machine backup of Mavericks.