For the past year I have had my old appleid that I used with my own personal IOS developer portal account at Apple. Recently I joined a new company and want to get onto their developer program. When I joined the company, I received a new Mac and I used my old AppleID to install XCode. In other words, now my Mac only knows about my old AppledID.
Since I now want to join my new company's IOS developer account at Apple, I have two choices: either continue to use my old AppleID (still associated with my personal IOS dev acctount) or create a new AppleID (using my new work email).
If I use my old AppleID, how does Apple know which dev account I want when I log in? Will this cause problems?
Or if I create and use a new AppleID, will XCode stop working for me (since it was downloaded using the old AppleID)? What would I have to do to fix the problem? Which route is easier?