I am using TexLipse for working with latex, producing pdfs as output. I have configured it to use preview as viewer using this command line:

open -a "/Applications/Preview.app" %fullfile

Where %fullfile is the name of the file to be opened. TexLipse supports the adding of a %line argument, that can be passed to the viewer to make it jump to the position where the cursor in the editor is at. However, I could not find a way or any documentation on how to pass that argument to preview. Can anyone explain how to achieve this? Is it even possible?

3 Answers 3


If you are working with LaTeX, you should use Skim.app not Preview.app

Skim has support for moving bi-directionally between LaTeX source and the PDF, to a specific line in either the source or PDF file.


Not possible with Preview. It can go to a specific page, but that's as close as you can get. And I doubt that's baked into the CL access.

You can get the free Adobe Reader for Mac here. It must be able to do this...


It is possible with Preview.app but it wasn't designed for this so it is a bit of a hack.

Turn on GUI scripting, then make a script that simulates pressing the down arrow, then call that script n times.

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