This question relates to an earlier question, but as it seems a unique and contained problem I thought it merited its own.
To review I have a home office network comprised of:
- Time Capsule
- 27" iMac with dual cores running Mac OS X 10.6.8 and
- 2 Xserves each with 2 quad cores running Max OS X Server 10.6.8
- All networking by Ethernet
I access the Xserves through Finder -> Share Screen. This works fine.
I use the Xserves to run parallel calculations for about 5 minutes a day. As the machines run hot and loud as well as use a considerable amount of power, I want them to "Sleep" when I don't need to actually run the calculations, even better if they fall asleep on their own!
So, I went into the Xserver's System Preferences, opened Energy Saver, and configured the settings as you can see below:
The Xserves should fall asleep after about 5 minutes of inactivity. They don't.
Not even when I have the "Share Screen" window closed.
Note, I need "Wake for Ethernet network access" checked because I want to use "Wake On LAN" capability to wake the Xserves from a remote computer.
I can put the Xserves to sleep manually from the "Share Screen" window, but having to do that just seems silly.
Any ideas of what I need to do get them to fall asleep?