I have a MacBook Pro with Intel CPU where it's impossible to recover the OS. CMD+R, CMD+Option+R processes don't work. After downloading the OS from internet the process starts again rebooting.
I have a MacBook Air with M3 also by which I have been able to backup my MB Pro data booting it by "Start+T" option.
I downloaded MacOS Sonoma for Intel Arch thanks to a friend and tried to create a bootable flash USB drive following this solution (sorry, it's in Italian): https://support.apple.com/en-lb/101578
Unfortunately, "Start+Option" doesn't work. After selecting the USB drive to install the OS, the system reboots again.
I would try to install the OS on external drive following this procedure: https://support.apple.com/en-lb/111336
using my MacBook Air. It's a M3 architecture and my MacBook Pro is an Intel architecture. Do you think is it possible to install MacOS on my MB Pro (using it as external drive) from a M3 architecture?