I just upgraded to Ventura and trying to get used to some of the changes. I see that the Energy Saver settings are no longer under the Battery section of System Settings and instead are now part of the Lock Screen section. No big deal, it was easy enough to find the new location, but I can't seem to find anywhere to restore system defaults anymore.

Before updating, I had temporarily set my MacBook to never shut off the display on battery and I would like to restore the default settings now but am not sure how anymore.

  • Came to post this question, saw yours. Looking for the same solution for the same story.
    – talha06
    Commented Nov 14, 2022 at 20:14

1 Answer 1


How about doing it from the Terminal?

sudo pmset restoredefaults

works for me :-)

Quoting bits from man pmset to provide some context:

pmset manages power management settings such as idle sleep timing, wake on administrative access, automatic restart on power loss, etc.

  • 1
    It’s helpful if you provide some context around the pmset command like a link to the man page to further explain what it does. Anyway, thank you for contributing and welcome to Ask Different!
    – Allan
    Commented Dec 30, 2022 at 22:02
  • 1
    That does the trick for me, thanks for the workaround! Commented Jan 2, 2023 at 17:49

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