Within Photos
, how to move a set of photos from one album
to another one to change my library organization, without duplicating their names?
Like you can move a file within the filesystem from one folder to another without creating a new name for it ( which can be achieved with symbolic links ).
My photo library is pretty well organized as a tree of folders and within, each terminal folder a set of albums each with a meaningful name.
Whenever a folder or album gets too large I create new sub-folders or albums and I would like to move albums and photos within this modified organization but without ever creating duplicate names.
I don't want for any reason any duplicate name, and moreover I don't want any pair of names which are different and pointing in fact to the same photo: a hidden duplicate name ( folder_1/name_A → img4928.jpg and folder_2/name_B → img4928.jpg ). Such hidden dupplicate names would make a labyrinth, a mess of my photo library.
I already tried many key combinations while dragging:
⇧+drag, ^+drag, ⌥+drag, ⌘+drag
with no success.
Why does this basic function seem to be hidden or… missing? The function of moving is much more useful in real life than the one of copying, when you want to maintain a huge data collection well organized.
What I am looking for here is not an explanation of the internal functioning of Photos
. I know it pretty well. For example when we copy a photo from album A to album B, internally there is no duplication of data, but just a duplication of name, both names pointing toward the same original photo.
What are albums in Photos on Mac? An album is a collection of photos and video clips. Photos creates some albums for you, and you can create as many albums as you want to organise your photos the way you like. You can place photos in more than one album.