I use the macOS Screen Sharing app a lot, located in:
/System/Library/CoreServices/Applications/Screen Sharing.app
I usually launch the app by clicking any of a series of .vncloc
files that I keep in a folder in my dock for quick access. When I'm done, I usually just quit the app. Whenever I launch it again, it attempts to re-open the connection that was previously open during the last run, which usually is different from the vncloc I'm opening at the time.
I know I could prevent this by closing the connection before quitting the app, but I'd like to know if there's a trick to tell it to never reopen connections on launch, or ideally: if I'm opening a connection via a vncloc
file, don't re-open previous connections (otherwise do open previous connections).
I don't see that option in the preferences. Is there a way to achieve this?