I have a website that I maintain mounted locally on a MacBook Pro with Monterey 12.0.1, using MacFUSE and SSHFS.  From time to time, an operation involving a directory there fails with "device not configured."  The fix is to umount and then mount it again, which takes a few seconds.

I think what triggers it is the laptop going to sleep, but it could be a timeout.  If a timeout, a background process accessing the mount point periodically would prevent it, but that would of course fail when the laptop sleeps.

Is there a better solution? (Hosting provider says SMB and NFS will not work).

  • Have you tried Mountain Duck? mountainduck.io
    – pion
    Commented Nov 24, 2021 at 9:05
  • MacFUSE and SSHFS are doing what I need except for this minor issue. So $39 for Mountain Duck is too much. Plus, the complaints by the copyright owner of MacFUSE suggests (without naming names) that Mountain Duck may be in copyright violation.
    – WGroleau
    Commented Nov 24, 2021 at 17:46
  • I totally hear your concerns. I still think that it would be a useful experiment to run the free trial of Mountain Duck to see if it resolves your issue.
    – pion
    Commented Nov 24, 2021 at 19:09

1 Answer 1


The simplest way appears to be using cron to 'touch' a file in the remote directory every five minutes. This will keep the mounted directory from becoming "unconfigured" but it won't fix it if that happens. So I added another job to run in the wee hours each morning to umount and re-mount.

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