I would like to export a list of files contained in a Volume into legible text, or a spreadsheet document that I can easily share.
Things I have tried so far that didn't work:
TextEdit: If I select all the folders on the volume, for example when the Finder window is presenting them in a column, then Copy then Paste into a Plain Text document, only the names of the folders will be copied, not the contents. I could present the folder in List format in the Finder window, but then I would have to manually open all the folders one by one before copying/pasting. Too time consuming.
TextWrangler: The output is ok, but I feel like I would like to have more options regarding how many levels deep the exported file list is, otherwise I end up with 33k lines of text. Good but not customizable.
Terminal: Some courageous experts have shared how to do it with Terminal, but I'm not super comfortable with it, and most importantly, the Volume I tried to execute the command on didn't load ("No such file or directory") - maybe because there are spaces in my Volume names? (this tip did not work when trying to add a Volume name with spaces in a Terminal prompt to output file names...). Did not work.
At the end of the day I ended up purchasing a paid app, but since I use several different user accounts across several machines, I would love to know if there is an easier and free way that I can use in the future.
Machine: iMac Mid-2011 with High Sierra.