I'm making a command, but there is no way to get the command files (known as .command files) to ask for words. like confirmations such as:

Continue to make directory? y/n

And commands use to confirm and ask.

1 Answer 1


.command scripts run in Terminal windows (that is, when you double-click a .command file, it opens a Terminal window, and you can use that window to interact with the script). You can use that to prompt the user and get input; exactly how you do that depends on the scripting language you're using (which is determined by the shebang (starts with #!) line at the beginning of the script. In bash, you'd do something like:


read -p "Continue to make directory? y/n " makedir
if [[ "$makedir" = [Yy] ]]; then
    mkdir somedirectory

In zsh, the syntax for adding a prompt to the read command is different, and it has a -q option specifically for y/n questions (that succeeds if the answer is "y" or "Y", and can be used directly in an if):


if read -q "makedir?Continue to make directory? y/n "; then
    mkdir somedirectory

In other languages, you'd do... whatever you do in that language to prompt for and accept input.

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