I have to "codesign" a distribution certificate inside a .ipa file to deploy an in-house application for a company.
I have access to their developer account. The new provisioning profile had been successfully added at this point and then:
- I download the .cer file from the company developer account
- Add it to my keychain by double click on it
- Right click on the certificate to export it to a .p12 file...
At this point, the option to export the file to .p12 is greyed out. I have looked for many way to do it on the web but I am still stuck.
I have no access to the keychain password of the file.
Do I have to recreate a certificate from my mac to get keychain access to it?
What is the right way to have this certificate as a .p12 file, ready to be codesign to my .ipa file using this command line?
codesign -f -s "iPhone Distribution: Company Name" Payload/MyApp.app