I am using bash on MacBook Air running macOS Mojave and wanted to change the color of terminal prompt.
I was helped on this question on SO and this IBM blog after which I used
export PS1="\[\e[30;47m\]\W\[\e[30;47m\]$\[\e[0m\]"
which has colour, wrapping, working directory and $
It changed the colour but the prompt doesn't have (base)
or (ml)
in it.
It is the virtual environment I created using conda. conda deactivate
removes it. Originally,
$ echo $PS1
(base) \h:\W \u\$ #original prompt with base.
$ conda deactivate
$ echo $PS1
\h:\W \u\$ #original prompt with no environment.
$ conda activate ml
$ echo $PS1
(ml) \h:\W \u\$ #original prompt with ml environment.
$ export PS1="\[\e[30;47m\]\W\[\e[30;47m\]$\[\e[0m\]"
$ echo $PS1
\[\e[30;47m\]\W\[\e[30;47m\]$\[\e[0m\] #new prompt with no environment
#while ml is active
What can I include to have the (base)
or (ml)
there, to make it like
$ echo $PS1
(base) \[\e[30;47m\]\W\[\e[30;47m\]$\[\e[0m\] #expected result.
I didn't find any reference on bash manual for virtual environment under controlling the prompt section.
I need to find where the current active environment is. Either in any file or any command that invokes the env name, which can written in ~/.bash_profile and then add that variable to PS1.