Let's assume for a second that your image URL's are in a text file located on your desktop... "Image list.txt"
Let's assume each image URL in that file is on a separate line
Let's assume that the "Art" folder is located on your desktop (folder for the downloaded images)
This AppleScript code is all you need
set theList to (path to desktop as text) & "Image list.txt"
set artFolder to (path to desktop as text) & "Art"
set artFolder to quoted form of POSIX path of artFolder
set theImages to read alias theList as list using delimiter linefeed -- get the lines of a file as a list
repeat with i from 1 to count of theImages
set thisItem to item i of theImages
do shell script "cd " & artFolder & "; " & "curl -O " & quoted form of thisItem
end repeat
Actually, here is an even better solution. Save this following AppleScript code in Script Editor.app as an application. Now you will have two options.
Double clicking on the app in Finder will open a dialog asking you to choose the text file containing the image URLs, then will proceed to download the images.
You can drag the text file containing the image URLs directly onto the app’s icon, in Finder, which will then go ahead and process and download the images in that text file. (AKA Droplet)
on open theFiles
-- Handle the case where the script is launched by dropping
-- a .txt file, containing image URLs, directly onto this app's icon
set artFolder to (path to desktop as text) & "Art"
set artFolder to quoted form of POSIX path of artFolder
set theImages to read alias theFiles as list using delimiter linefeed
repeat with i from 1 to count of theImages
set thisItem to item i of theImages
do shell script "cd " & artFolder & "; " & "curl -O " & quoted form of thisItem
end repeat
end open
on run
-- Handle the case where the script is launched without any dropped files
set theList to (choose file with prompt ¬
"Choose Your Text File Containing Image URLs" of type {"txt"} ¬
default location (path to desktop) ¬
invisibles false ¬
without multiple selections allowed) as text
set artFolder to (path to desktop as text) & "Art"
set artFolder to quoted form of POSIX path of artFolder
set theImages to read alias theList as list using delimiter linefeed
repeat with i from 1 to count of theImages
set thisItem to item i of theImages
do shell script "cd " & artFolder & "; " & "curl -O " & quoted form of thisItem
end repeat
end run
Here is a visual of the droplet in action...
based command-line solution should work: stackoverflow.com/questions/9865866/…