I've written a script for fresh macOS installs that installs Homebrew, Cask, and a bunch of apps I like, along with creating a .vimrc
Thanks to an answer by daniel Azuelos (located here: Best way to check in bash if Command Line Tools are installed?), a part of the script checks to see if Xcode command-line-tools are installed.
When command-line-tools are not installed, this error gets displayed to the user:
xcode-select: error: unable to get active developer directory, use `sudo xcode-select --switch path/to/Xcode.app` to set one (or see `man xcode-select`)
I'm hoping someone can help me suppress this output.
The function that is ran to do command-line-tools check is:
function check_clt() {
if type xcode-select >&- && xpath=$( xcode-select --print-path ) && test -d "${xpath}" && test -x "${xpath}" ; then
echo ""
echo "The required Xcode command-line-tools are already installed! Moving on!"
sleep 3
sleep 45
xcode-select --install
I believe I can use 2 > /dev/null
to suppress the error, but I'm not sure in the function where should it go? I've put it before each &&
in the if statement, but the error message still appeared.
Using Nimesh's suggestion, I've edited the function:
function check_clt() {
if type xcode-select 2>/dev/null >&- && xpath=$( xcode-select --print-path ) 2>/dev/null && test -d "${xpath}" 2>/dev/null && test -x "${xpath}" 2>/dev/null ; then
echo ""
echo "The required Xcode command-line-tools are already installed! Moving on!"
sleep 3
instructions 2>/dev/null
sleep 45
xcode-select --install
Running the script still produces the error to the user:
Last login: Tue Sep 4 20:40:13 on ttys000
vimusrs-Mac:~ vimusr$ cd Desktop/
vimusrs-Mac:Desktop vimusr$ chmod +x mai.sh
vimusrs-Mac:Desktop vimusr$ ./mai.sh
xcode-select: error: unable to get active developer directory, use `sudo xcode-select --switch path/to/Xcode.app` to set one (or see `man xcode-select`)