
macOS sets xattr com.apple.quarantine, when I edit and save the file myscript.sh on a usb stick

We're on the USB stick
[stick128] pwd
The textfiles xattributes before being edited
[stick128] ls -la@ myScript.sh 
-rwxrwxrwx@ 1 schmelzer  staff  28 22 Okt 02:16 myScript.sh
com.apple.metadata:kMDLabel_vmtpkn3xxtzmlwr5m34qap3z4a  185 
The textfiles xattributes after being edited and saved
[stick128] ls -la@ myScript.sh 
-rwxrwxrwx@ 1 schmelzer  staff  30 22 Okt 02:20 myScript.sh
com.apple.quarantine    24 
com.apple.metadata:kMDLabel_vmtpkn3xxtzmlwr5m34qap3z4a  201 



Temporary Solution

Remove the xattr manually

xattr -d com.apple.quarantine myscript.sh

Thanks to -bash: Applications/mvim: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Operation not permitted

But he next time, I edit the file, the xattr get's added again by whom?

  • by the texteditor?
  • by macOS (as part of the SIP System?)

My Environment

  • macOS Sierra, Version 10.12.6
  • Texteditor: CotEditor, Version Version 3.2.2 (203)
  • USB Stick: SanDisk 128GB Connect Wireless Stick, plugged into the USB Port

My research 1

Q: Is the problem only on the USB stick? Or is it on my harddisk, too?

A: Problem is not on the harddisk. Only on the USB stick

Details for research 1 We're on the macs harddisk, where macos is installed
[Desktop] pwd
The textfiles xattributes before being edited
[Desktop] ls -la@ myScript.sh 
-rwxrwxrwx@ 1 schmelzer  staff  30 22 Okt 02:20 myScript.sh
com.apple.metadata:kMDLabel_vmtpkn3xxtzmlwr5m34qap3z4a  201 
The textfiles xattributes after being edited and saved
[Desktop] ls -la@ myScript.sh 
-rwxrwxrwx@ 1 schmelzer  staff  28 22 Okt 02:25 myScript.sh
com.apple.metadata:kMDLabel_vmtpkn3xxtzmlwr5m34qap3z4a  201 

The quarantine xattr has not been added to the file. Thus the problem does not exist on the harddisk. Only on the usb stick.

My research 2

Q: Is there a file with the quarantine flag set, on the USB stick? mount is adding a quarantine flag, causing: /bin/bash: bad interpreter: Operation not permitted - but not the usual suspects

A: Yes, there were many.

Details for research 2

List xattributes of all files on the stick

xattr -r /Volumes/stick128/

Remove the xattribute com.apple.quarantine from all files on the USB stick

sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine /Volumes/stick128

Try provoking the error again, by editing and saving the myScript.sh file


  • No error
  • The xattr com.apple.quarantine is not beeing added to myScript.sh

My research 3

Q: When I use a different Texteditor, does the problem remain the same? mount is adding a quarantine flag, causing: /bin/bash: bad interpreter: Operation not permitted - but not the usual suspects

A: Not tested

My research 4

Just for reference:

1 Answer 1


This solved it for me

Q: Is there a file with the quarantine flag set, on the USB stick? mount is adding a quarantine flag, causing: /bin/bash: bad interpreter: Operation not permitted - but not the usual suspects

A: Yes, there were many.

Howto do it

List xattributes of all files on the stick

xattr -r /Volumes/stick128/

Remove the xattribute com.apple.quarantine from all files on the USB stick

sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine /Volumes/stick128

Try provoking the error again, by editing and saving the myScript.sh file


  • No error
  • The xattr com.apple.quarantine is not beeing added to myScript.sh
  • Even with sudo this was failing for me, until I realized I needed to temporarily add “Full Disk Access” permissions to my terminal
    – andrew
    Commented Oct 30, 2023 at 13:48

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