I have a number of jar-files, some resources, h2 database, etc. in my project. To create Mac application I used Platypus. To run my application shell script was used.
However at this case when application starts then separate java process starts and there neither proper name of the app nor proper About description in Mac menu. Also Terminal starts that is not wanted.
How I should launch the app to avoid this drawbacks so that the name of the app and About description were the right ones?
What I see now (name and About):
My launching shell script is the following:
export IRULE_HOME="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd -P)"
export IRULE_LANG=en
export IRULE_XMS=-Xms256m
export IRULE_XMX=-Xmx1024m
export LOG4J_CONFIGURATION=${IRULE_HOME}/conf/log4j2.xml
export JAVA_HOME="${IRULE_HOME}/jre/Contents/Home"
-Dlog4j.configuration=file:"${LOG4J_CONFIGURATION}" \
-Dirule.home=${IRULE_HOME} \
-Dirule.client.logs.path=${IRULE_HOME}/logs \
-Duser.language="${IRULE_LANG}" \
-Duser.region="${IRULE_REGION}" \
export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${JAVA_HOME}:${PATH}
export CLASSPATH=${IRULE_HOME}/lib/*:${IRULE_HOME}/conf:${JAVA_HOME}/lib/jfxrt.jar;
exec ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -Xdock:name="iRule Reader" -Xdock:icon=${IRULE_HOME}/image/irule.png ${DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS} -classpath "${CLASSPATH}" com.spi2.Main $*
How I created the app by Platypus. The process is simple: I set my shell-script and add all my resources. Also I can set up the icon. And I add Credits.html to allow About description as said in documentation: