Input File:
- Kind: MPEG-4 File
- Size: 305 MB
- Dimensions: 640 x 360
- Codecs: H.264, AAC
- Duration: 52:07
- Audio Channels: 2
After using iMovie to trim a bit from the beginning and end of the file, I tried to export the file via File → Share → File… with the following settings:
- Format: Video and Audio
- Resolution: 720p (iMovie only offers me 540p as alternative)
- Quality: High (according to an answer to a similar question this means H.264)
- Compress: Better Quality
The estimation on file size shown by iMovie is 4.35 GB. My questions:
- How come the file size increases after I cut something from it, encoded both with H.264?
- Why does iMovie not offer me the input resolution as an output resolution?
I'd like to be able to trim a video and save it with roughly the same size/time ratio.