Forgive my absence and untimely response. Okay, let's take this to the next level.
Let's attempt to locate either coconutBattery or Sparkle, a dependent, apparently. Do you find a '' in /Applications, or any similar app?
sudo find /Applications -iname "*coconut*" -print
sudo find /Applications -iname "*sparkle*" -print
Is there a relevant package receipt in the package utility?
sudo pkgutil --pkgs | grep -i coconut
sudo pkgutil --pkgs | grep -i sparkle
A brute method to find plists, preference files:
sudo grep -l -i "coconut" -r /System/Library/
sudo grep -l -i "sparkle" -r /System/Library/
sudo grep -l -i "coconut" -r /Library/
sudo grep -l -i "sparkle" -r /Library/
sudo grep -l -i "sparkle" -r /private/var/
sudo grep -l -i "sparkle" -r /private/etc/
sudo grep -l -i "coconut" -r /private/var/
sudo grep -l -i "coconut" -r /private/etc/
Interesting situation.
First, let us determine in what user-context the service is running: login user, or root. I suspect that the service might be running in the login user context, which would explain why you will not find it by running 'launchctl list' as root ( via sudo ). A quick check:
launchctl list | grep -i "com.coco"
Avoid prepending 'sudo' to the launchctl command.
Also, the process id is reported in the syslog messages -- found within the block brackets [ ].
The PID is 23430, in that example. I suggest using a ps like this:
ps -wwwAxo pid,ppid,state,%mem,%cpu,command | grep -i coco
Or grep the PID you discover from the syslog like this:
ps -wwwAxo pid,ppid,state,%mem,%cpu,command | grep 23430
If my hunch is correct, and it is under your login user's context that the service runs, then locate the offending plist in something like:
/Users/[your login user's short name]/Library/LaunchAgents
A quick-and-dirty method:
grep -r -i "coco" ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
This should identify the offending sneak. If not, please let me know and we will then take the hunt to the next level.