when I type ls -li
I get all files including their iNode-id. (e.g. 19753844)
How can I now access that specific iNode (so that I see details and the data saved to that iNode)?
I just can't find a command online.
To get extended info of an existing inode use find:
sudo find / -inum $inode -exec ls -ilaO@ {} ";"
Replace $inode by the real inode-ID e.g.:
sudo find / -inum 1745768 -exec ls -ilaO@ {} ";"
find: /dev/fd/3: Not a directory
find: /dev/fd/4: Not a directory
1745768 -rw-r--r-- 1 user staff - 79 13 Nov 12:30 /Users/user/.oracle_jre_usage/613bcfb3a06ef613.timestamp
To see the data use the appropriate app or a command line tool (cat, file etc).