How do I upgrade to macOS Server from a server running OS X 10.9.5 and OS X Server 3.2.2? I would assume that I simply upgrade the OS X to macOS, then buy/download/install the macOS Server app from App Store. Of course, I will have a full backup of server before taking these steps.
Currently, we are only using the server for File Sharing and Time Machine. Am I missing any other steps? After upgrading, should my existing file shares and Time Machine backup still be configured as before?
I tried to upgrade to macOS Sierra and got this message:
macOS Sierra supports macOS Server version 5.2. To upgrade your Server data you will first need to install OS X 10.10 or 10.11 and OS X Server version 4 or 5. Installing macOS Sierra on this volume will disable the current server functionality. Are you sure you want to continue the installation?
I am unable to find OS X 10.10 or 10.11 in the App Store. If I continue installation, and then upgrade to macOS Server, will I have to reconfigure my server or will it be upgraded?