The following command,
osascript -e 'tell app "terminal" to do script ("idevicesyslog -u UUID | tee 'ios_syslog.txt'")'
(where UUID is the hard-coded device id) works fine in Terminal. It opens a new window and runs the script, but when I pass it in via a .Net CORE api call I get the above syntax error.
Even just osascript -e 'tell app "terminal" to do script ("idevicesyslog")'
fails with the same error.
Any thoughts?
osascript -e 'tell application "Terminal" to do shell script "..."'
and where you're using single-quotes in'ios_syslog.txt'
you might have to escape them, e.g.\'ios_syslog.txt\'
and I can't test because I don't have the same environment as you do.