If I am in a specific path in a Terminal window, how can I open that same window in a new Finder window?

Note: This is the opposite of opening a Terminal from Finder.


7 Answers 7


Typing open . in Terminal will open the current working directory in a Finder window.

  • Thanks, that was exactly what I was looking for. I'd seen it before, but forgot it. Commented Jul 30, 2011 at 22:14
  • Looks like this is broken in 10.9 Mavericks. Any workaround? Commented Nov 11, 2013 at 5:19
  • @WolfgangFahl It still works for me in 10.9 Mavericks. Commented Nov 11, 2013 at 21:25
  • @WolfgangFahl Was your Mavericks install a fresh install or an upgrade? My upgraded install of Mavericks lets me use this command.
    – user15819
    Commented Feb 22, 2014 at 3:15
  • of four Mavericks installs i did the problem only happend once for an upgrade install. All otheres were fine. The problem with the upgrade install also went away after a while. Strange ... Commented Feb 22, 2014 at 16:30

Stretch goal!

To expand on the answer above (because the more appropriate related question is marked as a dupe and can't receive new answers)...

I've added a function to my ~/.bash_profile to handle revealing a file or directory:

# Reveal a file or directory in Finder
reveal() {
  # grab the first arg or default to pwd
  local basedir=${1:-${PWD}}

  if [[ -f "$basedir" ]]; then
    # ..we passed a file, so use its containing directory
    basedir=$(dirname "$basedir")
  # basedir is a directory in now, so open will activate Finder.
  # The argument is quoted to accommodate spaces in the filename.
  open "$basedir"

…one liner:

reveal() { local dir=${1:-${PWD}}; [[ -f "$dir" ]] && dir=$(dirname "$dir") || true; open "$dir"; }

To install the function:

  • paste/save it into ~/.bash_profile
  • source ~/.bash_profile or open a new terminal/tab

The context for my use is that I'll be browsing around using ls with tab completion, then when I find what I'm looking for, I can reveal (or cd or subl) the most recent arg, like:

ls dir/subdir<tab tab>
subsubdir  anotherdir
ls dir/subdir/anotherdir
reveal !$

Thanks to @nohillside, @Ed Randall, and Community for improvements!

  • 2
    worth noting that the only thing that this adds to open . is allowing us to pass a filename and get the containing directory :)
    – ptim
    Commented Oct 9, 2015 at 2:29
  • 1
    Good plan, I simplified and enhanced this slightly: (1) named the function finder; (2) first line inside the function local basedir=${1:-${PWD}} (3) shortened the if/else to if [[ -f ${basedir} ]] ; basedir=$(dirname ${basedir}) ; fi
    – Ed Randall
    Commented Mar 11, 2021 at 9:33
  • Tx @EdRandall! Maybe someone will come along and help me understand how to also allow piping to this function without waiting for input when stdin is empty 😆! cf unix.stackexchange.com/questions/33049/…
    – ptim
    Commented Mar 25, 2021 at 11:03
open .

As a nice addition, add an alias in .bash_profile or .bash_aliases if you have one.

alias finder='open'

Then you can use finder . which I think is more intuitive.


If you have autojump installed, you don't even have to type the full path to the directory. You can simply type jo partialdirectoryname, and autojump will open a new Finder window in the specified directory.

I love this method, because you don't have to remember the entire directory name. Autojump keeps a list of most commonly used locations, and automatically knows which directory you're referring to, even if you only give it part of the name.

  • I do have autojump installed but I get jo command not found Commented Mar 21, 2017 at 16:25

Typing open . in Terminal will open the current working directory in a Finder window.
But there is also an alternative version

open `pwd`

I am afraid just open is not enough, for example, if you have a directory named /Users/hanley/repo/iconnect/MobileDevice.xcframework, you will get error after you use open /Users/hanley/repo/iconnect/MobileDevice.xcframework:

No application knows how to open URL file:///Users/hanley/repo/iconnect/MobileDevice.xcframework/ (Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-10814 "kLSApplicationNotFoundErr: E.g. no application claims the file" UserInfo={_LSLine=1608, _LSFunction=runEvaluator}).

So I advise we can use open -b com.apple.finder `pwd` to open current directory in Finder.app.

For more convenience, you can alias it with alias ofd='open -b com.apple.finder `pwd`', then ofd command will directly open current directory in Finder.app

For more usage of open, please read man open

  • This worked in situations the previous answers didn't. Gracias!
    – lodeOfCode
    Commented May 17 at 13:21

I know this is very old thread. At the terminal typing open . opens the current directory as others stated. In addition, the following will reveal (but not open) files/folder open -R . A combination of both becomes really powerful and time saver. You can also open all the Text files with open *.txt command in the current directory. How cool is that!

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