No longer possible with System Preferences
It seems impossible to use Mission Control or any other Apple-provided preference pane to change application—space bindings, or present an overview of bindings.
Using Terminal to view or change bindings
An overview of application—space bindings
defaults read
Where an application is listed without the UUID of a desktop space, this seems to mean desktop 1.
(I guess that the permanent desktop requires no UUID.)
[macbookpro08-centrim:~] gjp22% defaults read
"app-bindings" = {
"" = "7EA54FE0-EB71-444A-8075-C6A2D7000305";
"" = AllSpaces;
"com.barebones.textwrangler" = "";
spaces = (
type = 0;
uuid = "7EA54FE0-EB71-444A-8075-C6A2D7000305";
type = 0;
uuid = "CD0AFD50-7902-41EC-A4C4-C313B04CD2BB";
Considering the arrays in that example, I would not attempt to change or delete individual items within an array using Terminal alone. From the defaults(1) Mac OS X Manual Page:
… Defaults can be structured in very complex ways, making it difficult for the user to enter them with this command. …
A relatively fresh start
To delete bindings without losing spaces:
quit everything other than Finder and Terminal
in Terminal, command:
defaults delete app-bindings
make no attempt to use the Dock to set a binding
log out.
If you use Dock too soon to set a binding, you may find that everything you deleted from preferences for Spaces is automatically rewritten to that preference file.
Information may be cached somewhere. I don't know where.
Dock menus accessibility
My experience of VoiceOver with Dock is that whilst Dock menus are accessible, the routine for changing a binding would be not particularly user-friendly.
There's scope for a third party developer to write an application, maybe a preference pane, for easier overview/management of bindings.