I've set it so that my Mac will forcefully shutdown at 12:00 everyday. But I try to turn it back on, it shuts down again right after.

2 Answers 2


What command did you put in the crontab file itself, shutdown -h now ?

Boot into single user mode (Command-S) to edit out the offending crontab entry and try the pmset method.

The command sudo pmset repeat shutdown mtwrfsu 12:00:00 (noon) or ...00:00:00 (midnight) will accomplish what you are looking for without using crontab.

To cancel this, execute the command sudo pmset repeat cancel


Boot to single user mode, mount the filesystem and then delete or edit the cron tab file for the affected user (or all users if needed).

/sbin/mount -uw /
cd /private/var/at/tabs
rm whatever

When you are done you can exit that shell to continue booting the Mac.

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