Can you boot into Snow Leopard at all? If you can, try this command from terminal:
sudo diskutil repairPermissions /
Broken down this does the following:
- run this command as superuser/admin
- run the diskutil
- obviously this means to repair the permissions
- act on the whole file system
If you can't get into Snow Leopard, you might be able to get into single-user mode by holding ⌘+S on boot
You can run Disk Utility from within Snow Leopard but whether it can repair it will depend on what's wrong.
You can do a Repair Permissions on any disk, or a Repair Disk on any disk which is not your startup disk. If you need to do a Repair Disk, you will need to do that from your CD and I think the 10.5 disk would be OK to use for a Repair Disk when booted from, it may not do a Repair Permissions though.
It's worth trying the Repair Permissions first from Snow Leopard. That solves a lot of issues