I have two WiFi networks: one at home and one in my office. Both are basically quite similar – same connection provider, same connection speed, same modem, same router – the only difference is that at home we use an AirPort Extreme station to boradcastbroadcast the WiFi signal.
My MacBook Air (1.85 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, OS X 10.7.5) does automatically recognize and log in to the AirPort Extreme powered home hotspot – but it won't auto-login to the office hotspot even though it does remeberremember the network and lists it in the Network Preference.
Is there a way to 'teach' my MacBook Air to auto-login to 'whatever' WiFi network I want? Or does that only work with Airport Extreme powered hotspots? Or does it have anything to do with the Airport Extreme anyways? Thank you for any suggestions / pointers…!