My programmer timeline:
- 1984: Born.
- 1996: Took a MS-DOS course forced by my mom.
- 1998:
learned mIRC scripting by exploring other mIRC scripts.
- 1999: Learned Linux by bringging my printed version of The Linux Manual to school at the cost of not paying attention to the class.
- 2000: Started scratching the surface by learning C programming.
- 2001-2002: Did a bunch of Linux Server and Linux Administration courses
- 2003: Took Java class at Sun Microsystem so I could join a friend on a project.
- 2003: Co-founder & CTO of VendoMais, an eBay
clone for the brazilian market.
- 2005: Started using Ruby on Rails for my backend infrastructure
- 2007: Started writing Mac applications for fun.
- 2008: Graduated with Bachelor in Information Systems
- 2009: Attended the iPhone Development Bootcamp at Big Nerd Rench (with Aaron Hillegass).
- 2009: Founded Owera Software.
All remotely from Macapá-AP, Brazil.
Tech used:
Linux, macOS, Windows, Objective-C, Swift, Flutter, Angular, TypeScript, Go, CI/CD, Microservices, AWS Lambdas.