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43 votes

How to delete MacPorts user after using the Migration Assistant

$ dscl . list /Users | grep -v '^_' daemon Guest macports <--------------------------------------------- remove? mixelpix nobody root $ /usr/bin/dscl . -search /Users name macports macports ...
MmmHmm's user avatar
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17 votes

What is the technology used in iOS 11 settings migration (moving blue dots / particles pattern / animated QR code?)

The technology can be thought of very much like an animated QR-code. The main principle of data encoding is very much like QR-codes, but obviously with the difference that as time goes forward, the ...
jksoegaard's user avatar
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15 votes

Some homebrew formulas broken after migration

Had the same problem, what I did was i run brew list -1 > brew.txt # list out all installed packages brew list -1 | xargs brew rm --force # remove all installed packages brew install $(cat brew....
maricn's user avatar
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13 votes

Some homebrew formulas broken after migration

Yes doing the following will fix it brew uninstall --force gettext brew install gettext
Ahmed Younes's user avatar
12 votes

Does transfering data to a new iPhone from old iPhone keep all app state?

This depends on the app, as apps can mark keychain items and files as being contained to the current device. Those items and files are not transferred. Especially banking apps make use of this to tie ...
DarkDust's user avatar
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11 votes

What is the best way to clone a disk between two Macs?

Verbose output from dd via pv Copying even a small disk can take a long time and the silence can be frustrating. If you install pv (pipe viewer) you can use it to monitor the progress of any stream. ...
Bruno Bronosky's user avatar
11 votes

Reuse Time Machine backup drive after migration to new machine

Apparently with macOS Sierra your new Mac can inherit your old Time Machine disk and likely with High Sierra, too. I recently moved the main drive from a failing 2011 mini to a new-to-me 2012 mini. I ...
Bosque Bill's user avatar
11 votes

Fastest way to migrate file by connecting two Macs together

The fastest way is to connect the two computers using Thunderbolt. This will give you 10 Gbps of bandwidth, which is 10 times what you would get from the ethernet port on the 2011 MacBook Pro. Note ...
jksoegaard's user avatar
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9 votes

How to inherit sparsebundle on macOS Server Time Machine service?

As it turns out, it is super easy with a single Terminal command. First, you need to mount the Time Machine share using Finder. Just browse to the server, then to the share so that it mounts. I ...
Swisher Sweet's user avatar
9 votes

How do I restore the "Quick Start" migration from my iPhone X to a newly bought iPhone 11 Pro Max?

You can’t resume an interrupted Quick Start. You can start again by erasing your new phone (Settings → General → Reset → Erase All Content and Settings) which will start the phone back ...
grg's user avatar
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8 votes

From Hackintosh to Macintosh

Like all the comments say, "install macOS fresh." What you are doing is taking a VW based dune buggy and trying to turn it back into a VW Bug. It will be both quicker and easier to to boot into ...
Steve Chambers's user avatar
8 votes

What is the technology used in iOS 11 settings migration (moving blue dots / particles pattern / animated QR code?)

I skimmed the patents linked above and here’s my naive interpretation of the technology. It’s essentially a finely detailed QR code, or similar, but rather than using coloured squares, the information ...
Kaleidoscope's user avatar
7 votes

Reuse Time Machine backup drive after migration to new machine

When you get a new Mac, you can use Migration Assistant, along with your Time Machine external drive, to restore your a backup to your new computer. However, Time Machine will not backup your new ...
tubedogg's user avatar
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7 votes

2012 iMac to 2023 iMac Data Migration

Just connecting the two computers via Thunderbolt isn’t enough. You have to create an IP network between the two. Each Mac needs to have an IP address assigned to the Thunderbolt connection. Apple ...
Allan's user avatar
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6 votes

How do I migrate my wife's iCloud from her paid storage to our family storage?

@RDG : That link does not explain how to merge an already existing plan into a family plan that the user has been added to. It merely states that you can: If a family member is already paying for ...
Dan Delaney's user avatar
6 votes

Does macOS's newer "Erase All Content and Settings" feature yield different results than reformatting the startup drive?

By default, macOS creates two separate volumes on your disk: "Macintosh HD" and Macintosh HD - Data". (Since Catalina.) The first contains the Operating System files, including apps ...
benwiggy's user avatar
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6 votes

What backup solution is thorough enough to include low level stuff like homebrew? Is Time Machine thorough enough?

Stick with Time Machine... I need to migrate to a newer MacBook soon, because my current one is falling apart. You never mentioned what vintage your Mac you currently have is nor which Mac you'll ...
Allan's user avatar
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5 votes

Time Machine - move backup from local disk to network volume. Wrong case sensitivity?

I ran into the same issues when following advice similar to the OP, specifically, to use Time Machine to start the backup to create a new sparse bundle on the network share, stop the back and copy ...
martian111's user avatar
5 votes

Can I transfer only a few things by using migration assistant?

In the Mac Migration Assistant process, it will give you some options to select the types of data you can migrate over from your user account, such as music, documents, etc... but it's not going to ...
Billie Hawkins's user avatar
4 votes

How to transfer mouse and keyboard after migration

I'm assuming you have a old Magic Mouse and Keyboard. You need to unpair them from your old MacBook Air first. Then you can pair to your new MacBook. From the Apple Support site Make sure your ...
Allan's user avatar
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4 votes

How does one transfer old apps from one Mac to a new Mac?

Your best bet for an automatic process is running Migration Assistant on the new / destination Mac. It will ask you to connect the old Mac in target disk mode or connect a Time Machine backup of the ...
bmike's user avatar
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4 votes

How to move my OmniFocus data from old Mac to new Mac?

Quoth OmniGroup: The database file now is in a sandboxed container. The easiest way to get to the file is by opening the backup folder through 'File' → 'Show Backups…'. The data file is in the same ...
IconDaemon's user avatar
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4 votes

How to transition from macOS Server deprecated services to the open source alternatives?

In June 2018, Apple released official documentation outlining the step by step directions to move most services to alternatives. The services included in this are DNS DHCP VPN RADIUS NetInstall ...
user7886229's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I migrate Google Fit activity data to Apple Health?

With a combination of this app and a small python script I'll paste below I was able to import all my step, heart rate and weight data from the last 8ish years without any problems. Just change the ...
Ben's user avatar
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4 votes

Data recovery from Apple MacBook Pro with T1 and T2 & Customer Data Migration Tool (LifeBoat)

If you have the Customer Data Migration Tool, it is actually very simple to use. It does not require any soldering or "DIY" skills. You basically just need a P5 pentalobe screw driver, andto be able ...
jksoegaard's user avatar
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4 votes

Bought a new iMac to replace the old, have two questions regarding file migration

You want to use the same AppleID as before as both all your purchases and your iCloud Drive is linked to it. So once you've set the Mac up and added your AppleID credentials the content of your iCloud ...
nohillside's user avatar
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4 votes

Contents of the OSX Documents folder appears empty from an ethernet-connected Linux machine

Well thanks Marc :) Solution: Following a suggestion here I did the following: De-selected all services/users/groups etc from Sharing. Rebooted the ...
omicsltd's user avatar
4 votes

New iPhone transfer did not bring AirTag info from old phone

Wait Just wait. It takes a long while for the iPhone to retrieve all information from iCloud. Makes sure you leave your iPhone connected to the internet. Some items such as the AirTag registrations ...
Basil Bourque's user avatar
4 votes

Migration from Intel Mojave to Monterey M1 mac

I'd use a 'live' Migration rather than one from Time Machine. I have much anecdotal evidence to support this bias, but no citable source. I've never had a direct Mac to Mac Migrate fail, even from an ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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3 votes

Can I swap an Apple SSD from one laptop to another?

This would probably work OK, but it would probably be easier to just mount the drive externally and copy your files over to the new machine. That way, you wouldn't need to open up the new machine and ...
user260467's user avatar

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