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115 votes

Is there a Google Calendar Mac Desktop App?

Here's another way, adding Google Calendar as a Chrome App with standalone window. The calendar is then available in Launchpad and the Dock. Navigate Chrome to your calendar URL, e.g https://calendar....
David Thomas's user avatar
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48 votes

How to add a Google calendar shared with me, to my iCloud calendars

There are two methods: Method 1: When you open the link of the calendar shared with you. You could click the plus sign at the right corner to add it into your own google calendar. Go to https://www....
Song Wang's user avatar
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43 votes

How to change the url of a Chrome app shortcut?

I also had this issue (trying to create an app shortcut to the second Google Calendar account) and solved it by creating a web app manifest before creating the app shortcut: Copy the JavaScript below ...
Karl Horky's user avatar
18 votes

iPhone can't verify CalDAV account

The answers provided helped me resolve my CardDAV verification issue. Here are the exact steps I took: Sign in to your Google Account at: In the Security (used to be ...
BEFranken's user avatar
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15 votes

iCal invites sent to my Gmail address (which is also my Apple ID) get added to iCloud

If your Apple ID is a Gmail email address, and someone sends you an invitation from an Apple device, your Gmail account won't get the invitation, but it will be added automatically to your iCloud ...
jaume's user avatar
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13 votes

I can't see Google Calendar on macOS Calendar app

You need to tick the calendar in your synchronization settings.
Stephen Montgomery's user avatar
13 votes

Why do I no longer get desktop notifications from Google Calendar?

It turns out Chrome did not have notifications enabled in macos settings: (not sure why I have two Google Chromes in this list) Enabling this fixed it:
Anentropic's user avatar
9 votes

macOS Calendar app stopped syncing with Google Calendar

Deleting the Calendar cache and rebooting my Mac seemed to solve it, at least for now. I followed these instructions: Backup Calendar from ...
Nicholas Tulach's user avatar
8 votes

Apple calendar stopped showing events on Mac

Indeed, it was a more wide-spread and general issue with Google. However, I had opened a formal trouble ticket with them, which eventually got recognized, acknowledged, escalated, worked upon and ...
MacMind's user avatar
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7 votes

I can't see Google Calendar on macOS Calendar app

Did you try to move your cursor over the "Google" label (shown in your screenshot) to check if you did not accidentally tap the "hide" button which only appears in this situation? ...
Louis Lac's user avatar
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6 votes

I can't see Google Calendar on macOS Calendar app

This is a pretty bad problem that Apple hasn't fixed yet. You need to delete the calendar cache, see here on how to do that. This worked for me.
David 天宇 Wong's user avatar
5 votes

iPhone can't verify CalDAV account

CardDAV Error with the iPhone is related to the 2 factor authentication. You need to log into your Google Account - settings and choose signing into google. Generate an app specific password - this ...
Larry Fitzgerald's user avatar
5 votes

Adding a google account without gmail on iPhone

It is supported. This is what it looks like under settings -> calendar: Try adding the account as a mail account and then turning off mail and turning on calendars. This is what it looks like in the ...
NoahL's user avatar
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5 votes

How to change the url of a Chrome app shortcut?

Introduction I have used the JavaScript from this answer by Karl, but noticed the installed app would use a crude favicon, instead of the nicer icons defined in the original manifest. I have adapted ...
Pawel's user avatar
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4 votes

How to add a Google calendar shared with me, to my iCloud calendars

This worked partially. I found one additional step I needed to do: the account shared with me is a "delegated" account. So I had to go into Calendar Preferences, Accounts, and click on the ...
KM Date's user avatar
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4 votes

How to add a Google calendar shared with me, to my iCloud calendars

Inadvertently found a lovely solution: Go to System Preferences->Internet Accounts Add or select your Google account Click the checkbox next to "Calendars" Voila, all my Google Calendar calendars ...
Heath Raftery's user avatar
4 votes

Why doesn't my calendar alert me when events are upcoming?

Well, in case anyone is monitoring this, I found the answer on another site!! It has to do with using Mac (or iOS) Calendars, where you've subscribed or otherwise display a google calendar. On the ...
Annie K's user avatar
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4 votes

How do I force iCal to sync?

The equivalent in macOS Sierra's Calendar app is View -> Refresh Calendars.
squaregoldfish's user avatar
4 votes

Is there a Google Calendar Mac Desktop App?

I find the design of Apple's Calendar app frustrating on a number of levels, and also prefer not to have to context switch between the Google Calendar web UI and something else. To solve this, I'm ...
clozach's user avatar
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4 votes

Shared Google Calendars are not synced to iOS Calendars

I deselect shared calendars here and saved the settings. Then I select them and save it again and now it works.
Matt's user avatar
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4 votes

Configure Google Calendar notification sound on iOS

Be reminder. There is no way to customise the notification sound for 3rd party applications until the app developer build that functionality into their app. Applications like WhatsApp has options for ...
Tan Boon Jun's user avatar
3 votes

Why won't my iCal calendars display in the same window?

Having them show up as delegates is okay, but it's nicer if they show up with the other Google calendars, and that also makes for a better experience on an iOS device. To do that, go to https://...
Some guy's user avatar
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3 votes

I can't see Google Calendar on macOS Calendar app

In my case the workaroud was to go to System Preferences > Internet Accounts and click on the relevant accounts that were not syncing. Turns out even though the accounts were listed there (and in the ...
Mattias Arro's user avatar
3 votes

Add Google Calendar events to Apple Calendar - macOS Sonoma

Apple instructions for OS - Sonoma are here. Simple to follow to interface with Google calendar.
Ruskes's user avatar
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2 votes

Google Calendar will not sync with after Yosemite

Have been having the same problem and have just made some progress: I went to Calendar Preferences -> Accounts tab -> and set Refresh Calendars to Manually. My calendars then immediately appeared (...
Julian's user avatar
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2 votes

Google Calendar will not sync with after Yosemite

Have you tried changing what to be synced here? This is the Google Calendar Sync select page, it is also available for iPhone. On these sites you are able to choose, which calendars are being synced. ...
felice's user avatar
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2 votes

iCal and Google Calendar creating double notifications

To avoid getting double email notifications for appointments, you can turn off the alerts for the Google Calendar on the Mac as described in the Calendar User Guide: Turn off alerts for a calendar ...
Günther Bayler's user avatar
2 votes

How do I view PDF attachments to my Google Calendar event synched with my iPhone?

This was, and continues to be, a bug with the way the iPhone calendar app handles Google Calendar attachments. It’s been this way for years.
Jawann's user avatar
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2 votes

How to add a Google calendar shared with me, to my iCloud calendars

In @Song WANG's answer, you can use the secret iCal URL in Google Calendar. It is in "Integrate calendar->Secret address in iCal format". See the screenshot.
user10375's user avatar
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