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6 votes

Is iMac FusionDrive->dual SSD migration any different from HDD->SDD upgrade from Time Machine perspective?

Time Machine has no idea what the underlying physical or partition structure is configured as. Time Machine operates at the file system layer. You could have a single spinning hard drive and upgrade ...
Allan's user avatar
  • 104k
5 votes

How to install or port data to a Fusion / Hybrid / SSHD drive

No, there is nothing special you need to do. At the risk of oversimplifying things, the way that hybrid drives work is that they monitor the data being read from the drive and, over time, they ...
Monomeeth's user avatar
  • 64.8k
5 votes

How do I split Fusion drive on Mojave / APFS?

I did this earlier today on an iMac. Boot to a Mojave USB boot installer. Then Utilities → Terminal. The commands are along the lines of: diskutil apfs list Then make note of the “virtual disk” that ...
shadowmoses's user avatar
5 votes

Is it worth unsplitting my fusion drive?

What are the drawbacks/benefits of having a split fusion drive? I think the first thing is to define what the purpose of a fusion drive is. A fusion drive was created to so you could get the ...
Allan's user avatar
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3 votes

Does MacOS Support a Snapshot-Style Filesystem?

Apple's new file system, APFS, supports snapshots. Per their documentation: APFS is available in 10.12.x (Sierra) as a Developer Preview and as a released product in 10.13.x (High Sierra). Earlier ...
Allan's user avatar
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3 votes

How to install or port data to a Fusion / Hybrid / SSHD drive

Strictly speaking, this won't be a Fusion drive as far as OS X 10.8 or 10.10 are concerned. The operating system will see the new part as a single drive, and Seagate's firmware will do all the "Fusion"...
samh's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I create an APFS fusion drive in Mojave using my SSD and HD?

Nothing could be easier with Mojave : just enter the following command at the command prompt diskutil resetfusion The process is done completely automatically. Just take care that the detected hard ...
Matthieu Gaillet's user avatar
3 votes

Is it possible to add an SSD module to an iMac 27" Late 2012 model to create a fusion drive on that?

The Fusion drive was an option for the 2012 27" iMac, so there may be space. The iFixit tear-down for your model shows a caddy that holds both a hard drive and SSD: you'll need to read through it to ...
benwiggy's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it worth unsplitting my fusion drive?

If you split the parts of a Fusion Drive, the drives are left in a meaningless state. You cannot re-fuse the drive and recover your data. Restoring a complete snapshot should restore everything, ...
benwiggy's user avatar
  • 37.6k
3 votes

Is it worth unsplitting my fusion drive?

Yes - if your goal is to get the most speed out of your hardware, I would make a backup and let macOS rebuild a fusion drive. It’s way faster that way than alone and less fuss. The only upside of ...
bmike's user avatar
  • 239k
3 votes

Attempting to repair a split Fusion Drive

As @DavidAnderson pointed it out, the issue was in the protective MBR (the first 512 bytes). The issue was the signature: The signature is supposed to be 0xAA55 and disk1 shows 0xBB55 To solve the ...
Abd's user avatar
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3 votes

Fusion Drive using external SSD & HDD

It's possible: though I would advise against it. Fusion Drives were a nifty use of CoreStorage a decade ago, when SSDs were limited in size and expensive. Fusion Drives are designed to retain a small (...
benwiggy's user avatar
  • 37.6k
2 votes

iMac disk partion FFFFFFFF-FFFF-FFFF-FFFF-FFFFFFFFFFFF and fusion drive unlinked

The second (and the third) partition of your internal HDD got the wrong partition types, your data probably won't be lost. If one part of a Fusion Drive (i.e. disk0s2) suddenly get a wrong partition ...
klanomath's user avatar
  • 66.7k
2 votes

Replace Hard Drive in iMac with Fusion

A Fusion Drive is a composite of two physical drives: a fast but small SSD and a slower but larger HDD. Each of the physical drives contains three partitions: an EFI partition, a so-called physical ...
klanomath's user avatar
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2 votes

FileVault 2 encrypted Fusion Drive on iMac doesn't boot anymore

I was able to solve it using shift-cmd-option-R. I tried internet recovery before and it didn't work but the adding of the shift key installs the recovery version of the original OS the computer was ...
Edwin's user avatar
  • 31
2 votes

Hard Drive I replaced still showing up in Disk Utility and as a Startup Disk

It's actually not a phantom drive; there's a 128GB SSD that originally came with the Mac mini to be used in conjunction with the HDD as a "Fusion Drive." From This model also could ...
Allan's user avatar
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2 votes

3 TB Fusion Drive missing space after unsuccessful Windows installation via Bootcamp

Your 3.1 TB Fusion Drive isn't really missing space. Stopping the Windows install and trying to revert to a previous state inflated the size of the Recovery HD at the expense of your main macOS volume ...
klanomath's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a way to rescue the contents of this messed up Fusion Drive?

Ok so I did a test before I tried it with the actual affected drive. I had an old 60 GB laptop spinning hard drive, and a 32 GB laptop-form-factor Corsair SSD, which I made into a Fusion Drive. I ...
Lars A. Gundersen's user avatar
2 votes

How to upgrade to 10.13.3 with fusion drive on apfs

Apparently, you just have to threaten your mac here on askdifferent. Then, it will just install the 10.13.3 update overnight. :P
Jan's user avatar
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How to install or port data to a Fusion / Hybrid / SSHD drive

There is one very important thing to do and that is to enable TRIM support sudo trimforce enable In OS X prior to Yosemite, you had no way to enable TRIM on 3rd party drives. But in Yosemite and ...
Allan's user avatar
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2 votes

Can CCC clone a Fusion drive and restore it to a new SSD?

In answer to your question: YES. By way of explanation... CCC makes a copy of the file system, which is independent of what physical drives the file system is on. for example you could make a clone ...
Steve Chambers's user avatar
2 votes

Is encrypting then deleting the same as securely erasing?

To answer your question 1: You often see encryption mentioned when you speak of securely deleting the contents of a computer. The reasoning behind this is that if you for example fully encrypt the ...
jksoegaard's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it possible to have an Apple Genius replace my Fusion drive with an SSD in my iMac?

Yes and no. If it's under warranty, then it's a definite no, even if you're willing to pay for it. If it's not under warranty, the answer gets a little more complicated because it depends on the ...
Monomeeth's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it possible to have an Apple Genius replace my Fusion drive with an SSD in my iMac?

M-M prohibits manufacturers from requiring that repairs or maintenance be done by authorized service centers using OEM parts and supplies in order for the product's warranty to remain in effect. While ...
DavidRecallsMonica's user avatar
2 votes

Hard-Drive Storage size issues after partition Disk Utility

To run a whole-disk repair, you need to do it from the command-line: diskutil repairDisk /dev/disk1 Be sure to use the correct disk identifier (in this case it was /dev/disk1); in diskutil list you'...
lid's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I split Fusion drive on Mojave / APFS?

You do not need to split the Fusion Drive before replacing one of the components. The act of changing the hardware will 'break' the logical volume, and the OS will then treat the two devices as ...
benwiggy's user avatar
  • 37.6k
2 votes

Does this mean my fusion drive has split?

Note that the article says "in the Finder". Disk Utility shows you more detailed information, because it's ... well... Disk Utility. The Fusion logical volume is stored within a "container" data ...
benwiggy's user avatar
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2 votes

Does this mean my fusion drive has split?

Should I follow the steps in the support article to merge the drives back? Would prefer an option that doesn't wipe all my data. No! Don't do this! Your Fusion Drive hasn't split! I believe you'...
Allan's user avatar
  • 104k
2 votes

CoreStorage disk won't unmount

Something may be mounting the disk on your startup system. Try to exclude the disk from spotlight, time machine and so on. After that, there are a few unmount options in the terminal - sometimes, you ...
Carl Dombrowski's user avatar
2 votes

CoreStorage disk won't unmount

Below is the output from diskutil list of an the arrangement to be used in this example. /dev/disk1 (disk image): #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: ...
David Anderson's user avatar

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