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10 votes

Extract a GPS track (as .gpx) from a series of jpg photos

exiftool itself can now also generate GPX files. You can download the gpx.fmt template from the exiftool website, then run exiftool -p ./gpx.fmt *JPG > output.gpx Some useful options: -if makes ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 559
3 votes

Can you remove metadata from already sent photos

No. Once they have it, what they have is a completely separate copy, entirely in their control.
Tetsujin's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I rename my files with datestamps in Aperture and keep them in order?

The solution is to avoid direct import by Aperture. Import them onto the disk using your camera software, or by using a card reader, or if you camera is suppored as a 'device' then direct copy in ...
Sherwood Botsford's user avatar
2 votes

exiftool doesn't remove meta data of MP4 (stuff like "Promotion URL" and "Author URL")

Exiftool is great at removing metadata from photos and viewing metadata from others. ffmpeg is must better to use to remove metadata from videos. A generic "remove all" command would be this. [credit ...
user273858's user avatar
2 votes

Can you remove metadata from already sent photos

No, it's not possible to edit any message once it has been sent with iMessage, photos included.
grg's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the MakerNote Apple 0x0002 field in iPhone/iPad images? Is it a unique identifier for photos?

bplist would suggest it's a binary property list. If you can pull out the raw binary, you can decode it. There are some command line tools available. Search for bplist online. If that fails, a ...
Drew Noakes's user avatar
2 votes

Photos JPEG Export Keywords

The tags are stored not in EXIF data but in IPTC tags. I was able to view and modify them using the iptc command, which uses libiptcdata. Viewing the tags: $ iptc test.jpg Adding a tag: $ iptc -a ...
Oliver Nightingale's user avatar
2 votes

View EXIF/metadata found in photo?

The metadata in the filesystem is exposed from mdls but I don’t recall ever seeing exit data being parsed as that is embedded in the binary portion of the file and not stored as filesystem metadata on ...
bmike's user avatar
  • 241k
2 votes

Metadata in photos - not showing when sent from other people

Apple's Messages doesn't strip EXIF data from photos transmitted 'in blue'. I can't test for if it does if they arrive as SMS 'in green', though that might be done by whatever network sends the SMS. ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
  • 118k
1 vote

Is there are a simple tool to organize photo based on date?

Found a free tool which does it all: exifrenamer
Toad's user avatar
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How do you set an Burst ID using exiftools on MacOS?

MakerNotes To add BurstUUID for non-iPhone taken photos, you need to copy in MakerNotes from an iPhone created image. See Re: Help with MakerApple metadata for a related discussion and example: ...
Graham Miln's user avatar
  • 44.6k
1 vote

Remove specifc exif data properties from photo on iOS

You can create a Shortcut to convert a photo into one without metadata (link to shortcut). There are also multiple EXIF editors in the App Store.
nohillside's user avatar
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1 vote

How to fix the dates of photos in to match the EXIF data?

Here is an Applescript that fixes the problem. It works by exporting each original photo to disk, then reading the EXIF tag, parsing the date and setting that back in It uses exiftool, ...
joerick's user avatar
  • 828
1 vote

Why does Photos recognize EXIF data in a .MOV but not an .MP4?

Doing some research and asking on other forums, I found that does not discriminate against MP4 versus MOV, but rather that Apple products are very picky about reading the data and don't ...
bjb's user avatar
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1 vote

Add exif creation time with correct timezone (TZD) to filename

To change UTC time to reflect your timezone, run the output of mdls thru the date command. You can also format the output of the date command. utcfiledate=$( mdls -n kMDItemContentCreationDate -raw ...
fd0's user avatar
  • 11.1k
1 vote

export from photos (mac) including edited metadata

Metadata edits and location information assigned using the Photos application exist only in the Photos library database. The Photos application does not modify your original images. I.e. it does not ...
Pierre Bernard's user avatar
1 vote

Date, time, and GPS metadata tagging video for iOS

I had a suspicion that iOS Photos requires that videos are MOV files for location data to be displayed. So, I converted the MP4 file to a MOV file using the following command: & "PATH\ffmpeg.exe"...
mythofechelon's user avatar
1 vote

How to edit iCloud Photos Library image EXIF metadata on iOS or macOS?

Have you seen this? I've used it at work and it works well and its 99 cents.
Thomas Nelson's user avatar
1 vote

No GPS Exif data on iPhone XS

Can you try to check EXIF Data on iPhone using Third party apps like EXIF Viewer by Fluntro or any other EXIF Apps you can get for free on Appstore. Chances are high that, EXIF informations are ...
Mohith Km's user avatar
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1 vote

AppleScript: Get Image Location Data

I do not believe Image Events is able to get that type of meta data from the photo however mdls can do it, e.g. mdls -name kMDItemLatitude -name kMDItemLongitude /path/to/photo however it all depends ...
user3439894's user avatar
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1 vote

Can I use Automator or some other method to extract EXIF GPS data from batches of photos on my Mac?

exiftool can also be used to generate a GPX file which can be processed by other GPX-aware programs. You can download the gpx.fmt template from the exiftool website: exiftool -p ./gpx.fmt *JPG > ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 559
1 vote

Create a Smart Folder based on an EXIF keyword?

Note this works for .jpg images (not .png). Open a Finder window New Smart Folder Click the Plus icon Change Name to Other Search Raw Click Raw query and OK Next to Raw Query type "kMDItemKeywords = ...
Ryan's user avatar
  • 877
1 vote

How to change timestamp of movie on iPhone?

Modify the database at /Photodata/photos.sqlite. (Camera roll photos are sorted by zaddeddate, so setting this date to zdatecreated will sort them in the expected order.) More info and detailed steps:...
Leftium's user avatar
  • 414
1 vote

Images have an older (correct) timestamp within the Photos app but exported files show the current date and time

At least with Photos v3.0, it does export the photos with the current date and time (which is undesirable) but the photos still have the original (correct) timestamp inside the EXIF data. That sounds ...
Michael Innes's user avatar

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