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-1 votes

Is it possible to change the AirDrop location on my Mac without downloading random stuff from the internet?

You can't set up AirDrop to send files directly to your desktop in macOS. By default, they always go to the Downloads folder. You will need to manually move them from your downloads to your desktop ...
ZacFerrs1's user avatar
6 votes

Is it possible to change the AirDrop location on my Mac without downloading random stuff from the internet?

That solution seems unnecessarily complicated if all you want to do is move airdropped items to the Desktop. You can create your own Automator action to do this and attach it to the Downloads folder ...
Linc D.'s user avatar
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3 votes

Is it possible to change the AirDrop location on my Mac without downloading random stuff from the internet?

For the recent macOS releases, there is no setting to change this. The article you listed uses Finder folder actions and official scripting hooks that Apple intends for this sort of automation. ...
bmike's user avatar
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-1 votes

How to move window to different desktop via keyboard in Lion?

I wrote a blog post on how you can use a hammerspoon script to move windows around spaces with just shortcuts on macOS: This is a small ...
Konrad Staniszewski's user avatar

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