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44 votes

How do I get the actual ip address of a printer in OSX Yosemite

Use http://localhost:631/printers/ to see the list of printers available. The page shows both printer model and its IP/name under the Printers tab. To enable the cups page, run cupsctl WebInterface=...
Behnam Dezfouli's user avatar
12 votes

How do I get the actual ip address of a printer in OSX Yosemite

Open the Terminal application in Applications/Utilities type lpstat -s Followed by pressing return. You should see a list of all your installed printers. In a common setup, printers have been setup ...
jasonology's user avatar
9 votes

Best way to turn off cupsd?

In the terminal... sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.cups.cupsd.plist ...will unload cups. This stops the service. After that, sudo launchctl remove /System/Library/...
TheWellington's user avatar
8 votes

How turn a folder into a print queue?

There is a simpler solution in 4 steps and a small shell script: make your own spool directory: /usr/bin/sudo mkdir /var/spool/my_printer write the following shell script within your usual local ...
athena's user avatar
  • 12.5k
6 votes

Move print jobs in macOS Sonoma?

As you'll likely already found yourself, this is a regression and moving jobs between queues using the UI is not implemented (yet). However, this Apple Discussions post suggests that you can still ...
Saaru Lindestøkke's user avatar
5 votes

Best way to turn off cupsd?

The correct command, especially with macOS Catalina, to permanently disable cups is: sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.cups.cupsd.plist (The currently accepted answer states ...
simonandersen's user avatar
5 votes

How to clear CUPS spool automatically?

Deleting the job files can be done with the cancel(1) command. $ cancel -a -x will remove all job files for the current user. If you want CUPS to not save them at all, the PreserveJobFiles directive ...
Marc Wilson's user avatar
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4 votes

Can I use Apple cups as a programmable printer API?

It is very easy to create a print queue that saves files. There is the well-known CUPS-PDF software which does exactly that. So if you want to share that printer across a network, other users can '...
benwiggy's user avatar
  • 37.6k
4 votes

How can I make the OS print dialog default to a particular preset?

There is a much easier way. Create a Print Preset, with the settings as you want them. Select it. Press the Print button while holding down Alt (Option). That will force your current settings to be ...
benwiggy's user avatar
  • 37.6k
4 votes

How to modify cupsd.conf on 50+ machines

cupsenable - stop/start printers and classes You should not need to use sudo to resume print queues. The CUPS command cupsenable can be run by a standard user.
benwiggy's user avatar
  • 37.6k
3 votes

How does one change default options in CUPS

Since I essentially wanted to print all pdf's with Scale to fit enabled. This small command worked. lpoptions -o fit-to-page
Gsuz's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I get the actual ip address of a printer in OSX Yosemite

You should be able to ping -c 1 AL-CX11-08F61E.local. | grep PING (NOT ping AL-CX11-08F61E._printer._tcp.local.). The line you see then should reveal the IP address of the printer.
Kurt Pfeifle's user avatar
3 votes

How can I set up DNS for Bonjour and AirPrint to advertise printers across subnets

I have solved this problem by allowing a selected group of the guests to be on the same LAN as the printers; however blocking them significantly with firewalls so that only the printers and a few ...
forgotstackxpassword's user avatar
2 votes

How does Mac gather printer information (mainly driver) after a printer is selected in the list of printers to add?

After carefully looking at the DNSCache and Network: More details on however in short, for everything to work correctly, following four DNS Records for each printer are needed on client ...
Kumar Gaurav's user avatar
2 votes

How can I set up DNS for Bonjour and AirPrint to advertise printers across subnets

You need to study and research an internet standard (described in RFC-6763) called "DNS Service Discovery", short: DNS-SD. All further info you need for that is hosted on and on ZeroConf....
Kurt Pfeifle's user avatar
2 votes

What is CUPS on port 631?

The open port is for internal (localhost) services only. It should not be visible to a remote host, e.g. via the 'nmap' utility.
Sean Channel's user avatar
2 votes

Cannot print anymore since upgrade to Macos 10.13.6

I had kind of the same issue with an epson printer, and I tried several times to make it work by downloading driver from different websites with non results. The solution is downloading even an "old" ...
ALM's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

Install foo2zjs Driver on MacOS X?

You can access the foo2zjs website on the WayBack Machine: You could also try using Pacifist (a third-party app that lets you ...
benwiggy's user avatar
  • 37.6k
2 votes

Reinstall Cups after unloading/removing its LaunchDaemon

Here are the commands I ran to solve this issue: sudo launchctl stop org.cups.cupsd sudo mv /etc/cups/cupsd.conf /etc/cups/cupsd.conf.backup sudo cp /etc/cups/cupsd.conf.default /etc/cups/cupsd.conf ...
Kevin Lemaire's user avatar
2 votes

How to turn off localhost web server

Hidden web server The web server running on your server is the one used by cupsd to manage your printers queue. The command: nmap localhost -p 80 will show you that it is actually closed, unless you ...
athena's user avatar
  • 12.5k
2 votes

How to get an M2 Mac mini printing to a Canon MP990 Printer with Ghostscript/Gutenprint?

It’s not likely that you’ll get an older (consumer grade) printer working with newer versions of macOS. The printer now appears under "Printers & Scanners", the job goes through (a PDF, ...
Allan's user avatar
  • 104k
2 votes

How to modify cupsd.conf on 50+ machines

Instead of modifying the cupsd.conf I found another route that works by adding every user to the _lpoperator group to allow everyone to pause/resume the print queue: sudo dseditgroup -o edit -t group ...
Rab's user avatar
  • 41
1 vote

How to get an M2 Mac mini printing to a Canon MP990 Printer with Ghostscript/Gutenprint?

I think you need to install Rosetta 2 to get the driver to work (Yes, I know you have set “Generic PostScript Printer” but I think that you still need Rosetta 2 or to reinstall Homebrew). Did you ...
Giacomo1968's user avatar
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1 vote

How to clear CUPS spool automatically?

Enable cups web interface to edit the cups.conf file in an easy way: Open the terminal Paste in cupsctl WebInterface=yes and press enter Go to the Cups web page at http://localhost:631/printers/ and ...
Spook68's user avatar
  • 21
1 vote

Find my printer's configuration web page

I presume you're talking about the printer's own web-based control panel, rather than the CUPS front-end, (https://localhost:631 ) ? I can access my (HP) printer's web panel from System Preferences &...
benwiggy's user avatar
  • 37.6k
1 vote

How to add printer with lpadmin and have it show up in Printers and Scanners in System Preferences?

Have you tried this? Add an IP printer with command line. It looks like there are some options that you might be missing that will identify the printer in Printers and Scanners.
Thomas Nelson's user avatar
1 vote

Shared printing is no longer working

I believe this thread could be of benefit to you. This sounds like an access/trust issue to the certificate. You can try changing the trust setting on ...
Japes's user avatar
  • 191
1 vote

lpr fails to print asking for manual paper feed

I tried a simple hack that works. Do not know if this is the best clean solution (I have doubts!), however it works for me, at least for now. I simply removed from the PPD of the printer the ...
Renzo's user avatar
  • 111
1 vote

Can no longer log into CUPS web admin on macOS Mojave Beta?

I had to enable the cups webinterface first: Open a terminal and type: sudo cupsctl WebInterface=yes Confirm with <enter> and enter your password. Then authentication as described worked ...
Joma's user avatar
  • 111
1 vote

How can I make the OS print dialog default to a particular preset?

This Konica model is a PostScript printer, right? You shouldn't need to directly edit any .plist file for this. The correct way to do this without using the GUI (web UI or printer settings) is via ...
Kurt Pfeifle's user avatar

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